Transfer an ISA
Transfer an ISA to easyMoney in 3 simple steps
Step one
Sign up for an easyMoney innovative Finance ISA account
As your investment level increases so does your interest rate.
Step two
Transfer an ISA
Click on “Transfer an ISA” within My Account and download the Transfer ISA form for the type of ISA you wish to transfer from. This can be a Cash ISA, Stocks & Shares ISA or an existing Innovative Finance ISA.
Step three
Fill the form in and upload it
Fill the form in and upload it to us on the “Transfer an ISA” page of “My Account”.
Yes, you can transfer existing ISAs to us. You can transfer either the full amount or part of any IFISA, Cash ISA or Stocks and Shares ISA. Where it is a current year ISA, you will need to transfer the full amount. For previous year ISAs you can transfer as much as you like, in line with your current providers rules.
We just need you to fill in one of our ISA transfer forms to confirm your existing ISA details. We will then contact your existing ISA provider(s) and arrange the transfer. To download a transfer in form, log into your account, click My Account, which is located in the top right-hand corner if you’re on a desktop, if you’re on a mobile device you will find my account by clicking the dropdown menu on the top right of your device (it is 3 horizontal lines). From the menu select Transfer an ISA, then select the form for the ISA type you are transferring. You can then download it, fill it in and upload back to the same place.
The process is explained in a short guide that is downloadable in the same place as the ISA transfer in forms. There is no limit to how many ISAs you can transfer in. If you hold multiple ISAs we can accept the transfer of all, or some of them.
You can typically expect an ISA transfer to complete in the following timelines:
Stocks and Shares ISA – 30 days
Cash ISA - 15 working days
Innovative Finance ISA - We would expect this to be 2 Weeks (once investments are sold), however
it is best to check with your current provider
Yes, we can accept partial ISA transfers of a minimum of £100 but you can only partially transfer a previous year ISA, for current year ISAs you can only transfer the full amount. Some ISA providers will only permit the transfer of an ISA on an ‘all or nothing’ basis so please check their terms and conditions before requesting a partial ISA transfer.
Only cash can be transferred into the IFISA. This means that any existing IFISAs, or investments held in Stocks and Shares ISAs, will need to be sold before they can be transferred to us.
Only cash can be transferred into the IFISA. This means that any existing IFISAs, or investments held in Stocks and Shares ISAs, will need to be sold before they can be transferred to us.
You will need to complete the ISA transfer paperwork for the ISA provider you wish to move to, they will then liaise with us to arrange the transfer. Transfers to another provider can only be remitted in cash, so investments must be sold before we can transfer the proceeds to the new ISA provider. Upon receipt of the transfer authority from the new IFISA provider you will be required to confirm the transfer as we don’t hold a wet signature for you, we will ask you to confirm this via email.
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