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What happens to an IFISA in the event of an investor's death?
What happens to an IFISA in the event of an investor's death?
Zoe Disco avatar
Written by Zoe Disco
Updated over a year ago

In the unfortunate event that an investor passes away, easyMoney will continue to pay interest on the performing loans.

Once we have been notified of the investor's passing, we need to see a copy of the death certificate and the last will and testament, to ensure we are speaking to the executor/s of the estate.

We will require a copy of the sealed grant of probate once avalible as well as written instructions from all executors of the estate regarding what to do with the closure of the account.

We offer additional permitted subscriptions so if there is a surving spouse we can transfer any ISA investments to them.

We will try and be as supportive as possible during this difficult time.

Please reach out to us on the phone, via email or online chat or request a call back and we will do all we can to help.

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